Programme Description

Space from Stress
With a focus on resilience, this programme for stress management helps you to identify and enhance existing strengths and skills, and build new ones. This is a pro-active and practical programme built in conjunction with leading clinical and subject matter experts that provides you with the tools and techniques to manage stress and bring balance into your life. Topics you will learn about include
- assertiveness,
- problem solving,
- self-esteem,
- communication and
- stress management.
Space from Stress consists of eight modules, complete these in your own time and at your own pace over approximately eight weeks. Each module contains text, video and audio clips as well as interactive and engaging activities that will help you to manage stress and build resilience.
If you require immediate or urgent help please contact your local GP or your community support services, you can find these details on the 'Find Help' page.
Please note that you will need to use your University of Essex email address in order to sign up.
Your name and other sign up data for a self-help course will be recorded by the Student Wellbeing Service and kept confidential. Your personal course content is private to you and cannot be seen by anyone at all other than you.
Other more advanced SilverCloud progammes, for specific issues, are also available when you register with the Student Wellbeing Service.